Reflexology Treatments
in Sussex & Hampshire
Reflexology is a non-invasive massage type technique that applies pressure to your feettreating the body as a whole. The treatment has very few contraindications making itappropriate for most people, but a consultation will be carried out prior to treatment. It aims to bring about a state of relaxation and support the body's own healing process by working in a similar way to acupressure and acupuncture.
Reflexology helps maintain the body's natural balance by improving lymphatic drainage, which eliminates toxins, reduces inflammation, and enhances the body's defense mechanisms. Its calming effect on the nervous system benefits those with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.
What to expect?
We offer a 15-minute guided breathing session to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, followed by a relaxing reflexology treatment.
This involves a light foot and ankle massage, targeting over 7,000 nerve endings to release blocked energy and restore balance. The session ends with a gentle massage and diaphragm press, leaving you deeply relaxed.