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Health and Safety

The Wim Hof Method is a simply followed, natural path to an optimal state of mind & body,
all backed by science. It harnesses the full extent of the natural elements our bodies already use.


The Wim Hof Method trains your nervous, cardio-vascular and immune system to become more robust, better prepared and provides ‘life force’ energy and natural systems balance to enable you to tackle the stresses of daily life, whatever they may be – emotional, physical or physiological.

Read Our Health & Safety Policy

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Vitae Vi see to it that the Wim Hof Method activities are carried out safely and correctly and provided by a Certified Instructor.


However, Vitae Vi cannot assess the health risks particular to individual participants. Participants are notified about the health risks, as outlined below and Vitae Vi point to their personal responsibility and advise participants to consult their doctor or medical practitioner should the medical questionnaire prompt any potential issues.


It is ultimately up to the participant to determine whether they are fit to take part. Whilst we want as many people as possible to experience the Wim Hof Method, for health and safety reasons, the method isn’t suitable if:

  • You are under 18 years of age

  • You are pregnant or breast-feeding

  • Have epilepsy

  • Suffer from high-blood pressure or coronary heart disease (or any other heart issues)

  • Have a history of serious health issues (ie stroke, heart failure, kidney failure)

  • Have Raynaud’s Syndrome (Type 2)

  • Have recently had an operation

  • Suffer from migraines (this is a personal choice as cold can sometimes trigger them)

If you have any health concerns or any serious medical issues, please consult with a healthcare professional or your GP and contact your Wim Hof Method Instructor with any questions BEFORE attending the workshop. This is for your own safety.

By booking a class, workshop and/or treatment, you confirm the following:

I certify that I understand that the practice of breathwork and cold water exposure carries some degree of risk and hazard, that may result in physical injury. I also understand that entering an ice-bath or exposure to cold water in any form is optional and at my own risk. I understand the dangers associated with the effects of the cold during and after exposure to it and I confirm that I am in good physical and mental condition. I shall not hold Vitae Vi and the Wim Hof Method Instructor liable for any damages and/or injury resulting from participation in any activity promoted by them.

I understand that it is my own responsibility to consult with my GP or a medical professional should I feel I need to prior to partaking in any workshop, retreat, event, or any session and by completing the information below I have made Vitae Vi aware of any health conditions and concerns and/or current injuries. Furthermore, I participate in any activity provided by Vitae Vi at my own risk.

I further understand that it is my responsibility to seek advice from my GP or a medical professional before partaking in any form of cold water exposure. I understand that I am responsible for my own safety whilst getting in and out of cold water or an ice bath and will follow any advice or guidance given by Vitae Vi personnel.

I understand when booking your class, workshop or treatment, I confirm that I am physically fit and capable of participating in workshops, retreats, events or activities. I agree that I fully understand the contents and meaning of the above provisions and I declare that I am over 18 years of age and fully capable in providing my consent.


I have read Vitae Vi’s updated terms and conditions and privacy policy online for customers and, in particular, how Vitae Vi will process my personal data. Vitae Vi’s privacy policy can be found at here. Unless otherwise stated, you are happy to have photographs and video taken and used by Vitae Vi in marketing materials, online and via social media.

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